It's well documented how important this is, and no matter how much you feel like you're "wasting a third of your life" you'd be wasting a whole lot more if you don't get it right.
It's true that some people can function off <5 hours sleep, but research suggests this is genetic trait possessed by less than 5% of the population.
You mere mortals should be aiming for between 7 & 9 hours per night.
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Quality is just as important as quantity, if not more (as per usual).
So what steps can you take?
• Sleep in a dark room;
• Sleep in a cool room; ideally ~17° C
• No electronic stimulus during sleep
• Free from audio distraction
As well as what you do during sleep, your routine Pre-Bed will have a large impact on quality.
• Try to create a pattern or routine that you repeat every evening before bed
° Aim to get to bed at the same time each day
° No electronic stimulus for at LEAST 30 minutes before you intend to drop off
° Be well hydrated before (but not so much you're going to need to wake up to pee)
° Buy a daylight alarm clock; this lights up the room gradually, and using sounds from nature to create a more humanistic circadian rhythm
Maximise your performance, and your lifestyle, by perfecting your sleep.
If you want to know more read "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker.